Package org.luaj.vm2

Interface Summary
Globals.Compiler Interface for module that converts lua source text into a prototype.
Globals.Loader Interface for module that converts a Prototype into a LuaFunction with an environment.
Globals.Undumper Interface for module that loads lua binary chunk into a prototype.

Class Summary
Buffer String buffer for use in string library methods, optimized for production of StrValue instances.
Globals Global environment used by luaj.
LoadState Class to undump compiled lua bytecode into a Prototype instances.
LocVars Data class to hold debug information relating to local variables for a Prototype
Lua Constants for lua limits and opcodes.
LuaBoolean Extension of LuaValue which can hold a Java boolean as its value.
LuaClosure Extension of LuaFunction which executes lua bytecode.
LuaDouble Extension of LuaNumber which can hold a Java double as its value.
LuaFunction Base class for functions implemented in Java.
LuaInteger Extension of LuaNumber which can hold a Java int as its value.
LuaNil Class to encapsulate behavior of the singleton instance nil
LuaNumber Base class for representing numbers as lua values directly.
LuaString Subclass of LuaValue for representing lua strings.
LuaTable Subclass of LuaValue for representing lua tables.
LuaThread Subclass of LuaValue that implements a lua coroutine thread using Java Threads.
LuaValue Base class for all concrete lua type values.
Print Debug helper class to pretty-print lua bytecodes.
Prototype Prototype representing compiled lua code.
TailcallVarargs Subclass of Varargs that represents a lua tail call in a Java library function execution environment.
UpValue Upvalue used with Closure formulation
Varargs Class to encapsulate varargs values, either as part of a variable argument list, or multiple return values.
WeakTable Subclass of LuaTable that provides weak key and weak value semantics.

Exception Summary
LuaError RuntimeException that is thrown and caught in response to a lua error.

Error Summary
OrphanedThread Error sublcass that indicates a lua thread that is no longer referenced has been detected.

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